Thursday, October 4, 2012

Yes, college admissions officers are looking through your Facebook

Yes, college admissions officers are looking through your Facebook

Here's a PSA for those high-achievers still in high school: watch what you're posting online. You may already have known that, but a story in today's Wall Street Journal details how college admissions officers at selective schools are using social media to make the final cut. According to a survey conducted by Kaplan Test Prep, a quarter of admissions officers at top 500 schools have used social media to vet students. Of those admissions officers, a third of them say they found something that led them to deny a student admission. .
Sure, colleges don't like to see photos of a high school senior passed out near the pong table.

Ubergizmo , Yes, college admissions officers are looking through your Facebook, Yes, college admissions officers are looking through your Facebook

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